Google Nexus 7 Jelly Bean 4.2 Updates is causing problems

Author: GSMScore Team , Date : 20-November-2012

Last week the Nexus 7 tablet was released with Google’s android operating system. Nexus 7 features the 4.2 jelly bean update. The device was released few days back and the user’s for Nexus 7 is growing day by day.  In this situation the user’s of nexus 7 getting bugs after updating with the android 4.2 jelly bean update. The problems are not same for all the users. The problems are different also some problems are minor and some problems are major.

Google Nexus 7 Jelly Bean 4.2 Updates problems

 Here are some of the problems that was reported by the user’s who were all own the nexus 7 into various forums. The problems like random rebooting, disruption of Wi-Fi, disabling screen rotation, disclosure of applications, brightness fluctuations, flaky Bluetooth connection, and voice get loud, abnormal battery drain, auto brightness, slow charging and etc. Some of the problems like Bluetooth connectivity occurred in Samsung galaxy nexus. The users were reported that some problems were occurred frequently in their tablet. For example random rebooting occurs twice in a day, for others more than thrice in a day. User’s hope that Google will quickly find out the issue’s and fixes all the bugs as soon as possible. 
